Friday 29 March 2013

Classmate Challenge

Now that classes are done and we're just waiting for our internships to start, Myriam Lublink and I decided to challenge each other, to keep the momentum, with a "staff class" assignment.  One day, quick shoot turnaround that had to be emailed to each other same day.

She's in Belgium so I challenged her to "Find and photograph a person with a connection to Canada in the First World War".  Here's what Myriam came up with.

She challenged me to take a managed portrait of a musician AND (as a bonus) to try and get a weather feature.

I had a much harder time than I anticipated finding a musician who was available before my deadline.  I ended up submitting my weather feature by deadline and doing the musician shoot (with Daniel Chalmers) later that night.

I'm really happy with my results.  I've always had a harder time doing weather features so this was a great push towards getting over that stumbling block.

With the musician shoot - it was all about lighting and set up, which aren't my strongest skills, but I just went with it and gave it the time it deserved.  I'm thrilled with the final result.

KINGSTON, Ont. (28/03/2013) -- Al Walker and his grandson Eric Hudson, 3, feed the birds from the launch behind Portsmouth Olympic Harbour on Thursday, March 28, 2013.  Walker's wife tried something different and toasted the stale bread for the bird, which didn't go over very well with the ducks.  Photo by Julia McKay
KINGSTON, Ont. (28/03/2013) -- Local musician Daniel Chalmers, 24, has been playing music for over fourteen years.  Drums, keyboard, guitar and bass are just the cornerstone of his instrumental chops.  Chalmers is also a member of Bellfonix, the Monday night house band at The Mansion bar and restaurant.  Photo by Julia McKay

Sunday 24 March 2013

NPAC POM January Results

At the suggestion of a few classmates (thanks Justin and Tijana) I submitted a few of my shots from  a car fire to the NPAC Photos of the Month January competition.

I came in 1st and 2nd in the Spot News category

1. Mark Blinch-Reuters-----------------290
2. Bernard Brault-LaPresse--------------100
3. Julia McKay-Freelance--------------90
4. Jean Levac-Ottawa Citizen------------80
5. Chris Roussakis-Freelance------------50
5. Derek Ruttan-London Free Press------50
6. James West-The Daily Gleane---------30
6 Cole Burston-Freelance---------------30

January East Clips Results 


Friday 22 March 2013

Photojournalism Class of 2013


I'm not sure I would be able to describe what the past two years have been like for me, what they've meant to me.

I was stuck.

And now..... I'm not stuck anymore. :D

Looking back through two years worth of photos (and memories) I am SO happy I took this leap.

Along with learning how to tell/show stories with pictures and words, I've gained some amazing new friends, learned that I love to teach and that I'm not the only one who LOVES to take pictures that document life and the world around me.

I can't wait to get out there and do this for a living.

March 2013
September 2011
Section A Ladies - I never would have stayed sane without you
Graduating Class of 2013
(missing Ben, Tom, and Vivek)
I just can't wait to see what we accomplish
Section A + Dan, Scott, Sam and Jazzy
These are the people I learned with (and from) on a daily basis and I will miss them all immensely

Wednesday 20 March 2013

POM (Photo of the Month) - January 2013

I submitted my car fire photo to the Loyalist POM for January as well as the NPAC competition.  Both came back with the same results.

I'm now in 5th place with 275 points.

Here are the comments from the judge (Winnipeg Free Press multimedia editor Melissa Tait was the judge for the January 2013 Photos of the Month.) - Some good spot news! First is a great eye-catching fire fighting image. 

LINK - Loyalist College Photo of the Month - January


Tuesday 19 March 2013

Final Advisory Board

Another bites the dust.

In this program we have 4 opportunities to speak with and show our work to the advisory board.  Twice in first year and twice in second.  I have attended all four events.

My portfolio has evolved greatly.  I've also had the chance to be a 2-year representative to the advisory board.

I got the chance to speak with:
Jim Wilkes - retired from Toronto Star
Steve White - Sun Media QMI
Rod Frketich - Kitchener/Waterloo Region The Record
Jessica Darmanin - Macleans Magazine

I only showed my photo portfolio (we only had 15mins with each adviser).  The feedback was very helpful and I was able to see and make some minor adjustments to make the overall presentation that much stronger.


Sunday 10 March 2013

Notable Canadian

Hanshi Ken Tallack

The main assignment for Staff Class is the 'Notable Canadian'.  It was given out at the beginning of the semester and we had till mid-March to submit our final print.  Its purpose is to give students a chance to experience what it's like dealing with agents/gatekeepers, scheduling, celebrity, being star stuck and directing/managing someone under time restraints and

The subject needs to have at least a municipal recognition, if not more. 

I had a few others possibilities lined up but they all fell through.  Luckily, while shooting at an event as a freelancer I met Hanshi Ken Tallack.

I found scheduling the photo session very smooth.  I arranged to meet him at his karate studio.  Unfortunately I didn't have a clear approach in mind as to what I wanted.  So, night before I looked through and other websites to get a feel for possible angles, styles, lighting and to just get an idea about different ways to shoot karate.

With the help of beautiful window light, a patient and relaxed subject, and a very tall ladder, I was able to get the shot.

Here are my top shots:

KINGSTON, Ont. (06/03/2013) – Hanshi Ken Tallack, 57, instructor and owner of Tallack Martial Arts, is recognized for being the first to introduce the martial arts style of Goju Ryu Meibukan karate to Canada. Tallack has also published multiple books on the subject, including a teaching syllabus of the entire martial art style. Photo by Julia McKay


Friday 8 March 2013

Victorian Fashion Show

At the Pioneer story meeting on Thursday I chose to cover the Belleville Theatre Guilds Victorian Fashion Show and High Tea.  I had covered a show with the BTG in year one and it seemed like a fun, full circle kinda thing covering them again in year two.

I decided that I wanted to try for all three: photos, written story and multimedia

Saturday (Rehearsal/Final Dress) - I figured that I'd want to include some 'behind the scenes' shots and footage so I arranged to go to the dress rehearsal.  I got a chance to meet everyone and get them used to me being around.  AND figure out where I could shoot from and where NOT to be, because the space is at a premium.  Getting a chance to just observe was great.  It helped me focus on some of the little things I might have missed.

Sunday (Show Day) - You could feel the excitement in the air.  Two 1st year photojs came to cover the event for their writing class "event" assignment.  I was able to give them a bit of help in what to expect.

I just love live theatre.  You never know what's going to happen, which makes things all the more interesting when covering it as media.

Here are some of my favourite photos - full story and video below:


The Pioneer - Week Four

This week was my final shift on The Pioneer.  It was a bit tricky because our section had our story meeting on Thursday (Feb 21), came in to work on Friday and then was off for Reading Week.  It was hard to get everyone back into the swing of things on Monday (Mar 4) after a week off.

That's why I took on the streeter assignment.  I wanted to get something accomplished that first Friday. 

My first story was about the Belleville Theatre Guilds special event: Victorian Fashion Show and High Tea.  I really enjoyed the covering this event and took on the extra challenge of producing a multimedia piece as well as the story and photos.  I went to the rehearsal on Saturday to get a feel for the event, scope out the location and get the cast/crew comfortable with me being around so I'd be able to shoot around without being in the way.

The editors decided to hold that story until the Thursday edition so I didn't have anything published in the Tuesday edition.

My other story started out as a piece on internships/placements but got changed to cover Daylight Saving (which is this Sunday).

Lastly, on Thursday I got assigned to interview Tim Hadley, a local bass player who toured/played with Stompin' Tom Connors.  I got assigned the story at 10am, did the interview just after 11am (a classmate took the photo) and had it written/edited by 3:30 for deadline.  I was surprised to find out that the recording of my interview was good enough to make a podcast for QNet.  I hadn't written a story with such a tight deadline before and am glad I did.  It's not as scary as I thought it would be.

Overall this was a great end to my time on The Pioneer.  I can easily see myself doing this kind of work in the future. 

Op/Ed: Streeter
Article: Victorian Fashion Show (plus pics & multimedia)
Photo: Rotaracts help fight Polio 
Article: Daylight Savings (no photo)
Article: Stompin' Tom Connors (photo by a classmate)

Pioneer Edition - Mar 7th, 2013
QNet News Community (including podcast)
Multimedia on QNet News Vimeo

Story by Julia McKay - Photo by Richard Barclay
Story by Natalie McMullen - Photo by Julia McKay

